
We understand that your strata scheme is not just an investment, but also an asset.

Our aim is to provide a professional, efficient and reliable service to each of the schemes within our portfolio bearing in mind that each scheme is unique in some way.

With over 25 years experience in the Real Estate/Strata management we offer our clients a personalised, professional and cost-effective alternative for your property management.

We also offer a tailored service for Owners Corporations in dealing with all matters relating to strata title, including insurances, trust accounting, general day- to day bookwork, Annual General Meetings and Strata Committee meetings.

Prompt attention to repairs and maintenance of the common property is one of the most important functions of a strata manager we take a proactive approach to the maintenance and repair of buildings and it is our policy to consult with the Strata Committee Members or Management Committee for each complex within our portfolio. We have an extensive selection of reliable and qualified contractors to choose from for any type of common property repair, or you can if you prefer choose your own contractor.

We provide a 24-hour emergency contact service. Simply dial our normal business hours number (02 4984 2787) at any time after 5.00pm and you will be transferred to the number of the person on duty who will assess the situation and arrange for a repair job. We have found over the years that this method of assessing the emergency can save Owners' Corporations considerable cost as in many cases the repair can wait until normal business hours with a reduced cost. Our Emergency Electrician is Henry Kozlowski 0412 374 175 or Ceassa Electrical 4981 3530, Our Emergency Plumbers are Chris Edwards 0429 812 284, Jarred Taylor JT's Plumbing 0422 036 687, Paul Coggan 0419 864 619 or  Ryan Smith 0409 309 020 and our Emergency Glass repair is Corlette Glass 0413 275 787, Express Glass 1300 666 234 or Koala Glass 02 4968 1450.

Apart from established Strata Schemes we also offer comprehensive services to developers and solicitors by establishing books and records of the strata scheme and provision of 184 certificates... often within 24 hours notice.

We maintaining trust accounts, the collection of levies, monitoring and arranging for recovery of levy arrears, payment of invoices, providing monthly financial reporting via your own web login access 24/7, providing accounts and records for audits, preparation of an administration fund budget and arranging a capital works fund budget.

We cover the preparation and lodgement of insurance claims, arranging insurance valuations, obtaining quotations for insurance renewals and meeting the insurance assessors onsite.  We also complete the lodgement of annual fire safety statements and arrange workplace health and safety reports.

Are you happy with the level of service being offered to you by your current Managing Agent? If you are unsure, we will try to answer any query you have. Feel free to contact Andrew Douglass on 02 4984 2787 to discuss in length how Nelson Bay Strata can help your Strata Scheme.